To setup the EvoTutor simulation package:

1) If you haven't already, download and install the MacOS Runtime for Java (MRJ 2.2.4.smi file size = 4.8 MB). For setup instructions, click here.

1) Download the zipped simulation package (file size = 2.5 MB).

2) Allow stuffit to unstuff the simulation package.

3) After unzipping, there should be one folder (sim) containing three files: swingall.sit and EVOTUTOR.App. Click on the swingall.sit file to unstuff it.

4) Move inside the swingall folder and double click the Install swingall.jar file. When it asks where the swingall.jar file is, locate it (it's inside the swingall folder, which is in the sim folder), then select run and the program will automatically move the much needed swing class files into System Folder/Extensions/MRJ Libraries/MRJ Classes. If you are using OSX, you should download the PC/Unix version of evotutor.

5) Once the swingall files are properly moved feel free to throw away the swingall.sit file and swingall folder present in the sim folder.

6) To launch EvoTutor, simply click on the EvoTutor.App icon.

5) E-mail me at and let me know a bit about yourself (as a sort of registration).

You are done installing the EvoTutor software and supporting files.

Anytime you want to use the package, simply double-click on the EVOTUTOR.App file.

If you have any questions please e-mail me at: